Source code for argus.utils

import torch
import collections
from functools import partial
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from typing import List, Union, Type, Set, Any

from argus import types

__all__ = ["deep_to", "deep_detach", "deep_chunk", "AverageMeter"]

class Default:
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "default"

class Identity:
    def __call__(self, x: types.TVar) -> types.TVar:
        return x

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "Identity()"

default = Default()
identity = Identity()

[docs]def deep_to(input: Any, *args, **kwarg) -> Any: """Recursively performs dtype and/or device conversion for tensors and nn modules. Args: input: Any input with tensors, tuples, lists, dicts, and other objects. *args: args arguments to :meth:``. **kwargs: kwargs arguments to :meth:``. Returns: Any: Output with converted tensors. Example: :: >>> x = [torch.ones(4, 2, device='cuda:1'), ... {'target': torch.zeros(4, dtype=torch.uint8)}] >>> x [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]], device='cuda:1'), {'target': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)}] >>> deep_to(x, 'cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16) [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16), {'target': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0.], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)}] """ if torch.is_tensor(input): return*args, **kwarg) elif isinstance(input, str): return input elif isinstance(input, return [deep_to(sample, *args, **kwarg) for sample in input] elif isinstance(input, return {k: deep_to(sample, *args, **kwarg) for k, sample in input.items()} elif isinstance(input, torch.nn.Module): return*args, **kwarg) else: return input
[docs]def deep_detach(input: Any) -> Any: """Returns new tensors, detached from the current graph without gradient requirement. Recursively performs :meth:`torch.Tensor.detach`. Args: input: Any input with tensors, tuples, lists, dicts, and other objects. Returns: Any: Output with detached tensors. Example: :: >>> x = [torch.ones(4, 2), ... {'target': torch.zeros(4, requires_grad=True)}] >>> x [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]), {'target': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0.], requires_grad=True)}] >>> deep_detach(x) [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]), {'target': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0.])}] """ if torch.is_tensor(input): return input.detach() elif isinstance(input, str): return input elif isinstance(input, return [deep_detach(sample) for sample in input] elif isinstance(input, return {k: deep_detach(sample) for k, sample in input.items()} else: return input
[docs]def deep_chunk(input: Any, chunks: int, dim: int = 0) -> List[Any]: """Slice tensors into approximately equal chunks. Duplicates references to objects that are not tensors. Recursively performs :func:`torch.chunk`. Args: input: Any input with tensors, tuples, lists, dicts, and other objects. chunks (int): Number of chunks to return. dim (int): Dimension along which to split the tensors. Defaults to 0. Returns: list of Any: List length `chunks` with sliced tensors. Example: :: >>> x = [torch.ones(4, 2), ... {'target': torch.zeros(4), 'weights': torch.ones(4)}] >>> x [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 1.]]), {'target': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'weights': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1.])}] >>> deep_chunk(x, 2, 0) [[tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]]), {'target': tensor([0., 0.]), 'weights': tensor([1., 1.])}], [tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 1.]]), {'target': tensor([0., 0.]), 'weights': tensor([1., 1.])}]] """ partial_deep_chunk = partial(deep_chunk, chunks=chunks, dim=dim) if torch.is_tensor(input): return torch.chunk(input, chunks, dim=dim) if isinstance(input, str): return [input for _ in range(chunks)] if isinstance(input, and len(input) > 0: return list(map(list, zip(*map(partial_deep_chunk, input)))) if isinstance(input, and len(input) > 0: return list(map(type(input), zip(*map(partial_deep_chunk, input.items())))) else: return [input for _ in range(chunks)]
def device_to_str(device: types.Devices) -> Union[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(device, (list, tuple)): return [str(d) for d in device] else: return str(device) def inheritors(cls: Type[types.TVar]) -> Set[Type[types.TVar]]: subclasses = set() cls_list = [cls] while cls_list: parent = cls_list.pop() for child in parent.__subclasses__(): if child not in subclasses: subclasses.add(child) cls_list.append(child) return subclasses def check_pickleble(obj): with TemporaryFile() as file:, file) def get_device_indices(devices: List[torch.device]) -> List[int]: device_ids = [] for dev in devices: if dev.type != 'cuda': raise ValueError("Non CUDA device in list of devices") if dev.index is None: raise ValueError("CUDA device without index in list of devices") device_ids.append(dev.index) if len(device_ids) != len(set(device_ids)): raise ValueError("CUDA device indices must be unique") return device_ids class AverageMeter: """Computes and stores the average by Welford's algorithm""" def __init__(self): self.average = 0 self.count: int = 0 def reset(self): self.average = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, value, n: int = 1): self.count += n self.average += (value - self.average) / self.count